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Pillars of Arandú

Academic excellence:

Arandú is a fully bilingual institution (Spanish-English) in which the  most of the curriculum  It is taught in English. It also offers its students  special classes in French, art, philosophy for children and young people, education  physics and music. Parallel to a high academic standard, our desire is to train  to the students integrally, with values (moral and spiritual) and the development  of critical thinking skills.



Art in all its manifestations is an integral part of learning,

What  an extremely important tool in the teaching process-

learning.  Children from preschool age study visual artists and

classical composers.  The curriculum for our elementary students has

been enriched with art, bound  to the English program among others.

Our students are more creative and sensitive  what other students who

have not been exposed to art. At the same time they are  aware that

not all of us see the "same landscape" and that in these differences  is the wealth

of the world around them.

Relationship with god

Education must be comprehensive, that is, include values and principles that guide our way of being and relating to each other. For this reason, we consider it essential that our students cultivate a healthy relationship with God.


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© 2020 by Arandu School

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