Last News
Students break annual attendance record
January 1, 2023
This is your news article. Add an article, blog post, or note with news about your school. Choose a good image or photo to appear in your post and add a video to make it more entertaining. Make sure it's interesting and relevant, so they read it to the end.
High school in the region gets important recognition
January 1, 2023
This is your news article. Add an article, blog post, or note with news about your school. Choose a good image or photo to appear in your post and add a video to make it more entertaining. Make sure it's interesting and relevant, so they read it to the end.
The most outstanding students of Arandu School
January 1, 2023
This is your news article. Add an article, blog post, or note with news about your school. Choose a good image or photo to appear in your post and add a video to make it more entertaining. Make sure it's interesting and relevant, so they read it to the end.